Tuesday, January 31, 2006

This won't be a long entry. The kids are getting restless and Sebastian is about to wake up! I did get a chance to post some new pictures of the kids thought! So not a total waste of day!
I have picked up my crocheting again. Yesterday I bought a few skeins of 100% new wool. I am planning on making Sebastian a few diaper covers so I can get him back into cloth diapers withough putting him in plastic pants. I'll post a picture of it when I am done!
Mister Man was up for 5 hours lastnight. From 7:30 - 12:30. He took a 20 minute cat nap at 9pm and then was ready to go. I AM EXHAUSTED! Nothing is getting done today! I plan on taking it easy and playing with the kids! TaTa for now!

He got this suit from Sanjay's parents! It's fleecey and very sweet! I can't believe how big he's getting! Posted by Picasa

The many faces of Sebastian Lee! What a laugh! Posted by Picasa

So serious! Posted by Picasa

Smiley boy! Posted by Picasa

Savanna loves being the big sister. She has just discovered she can hold him all by herself. YIKES! Posted by Picasa

Cyndel loves to cuddle with him on the couch! Posted by Picasa

Friday, January 27, 2006

I'm not really sure what I plan to write about today. It's barely 7 am and I have been awake for awhile now. I actually got to bed at a decent hour last night, and it would have been a fabulous sleep if my girls hadn't both woken up at 1:30. And then Sebastian was up at 2:30. And then Cyndel was up again at 5:30....but despite all that I actually feel quite rested! LOL
My poor Cyndel has been sick it seems for the whole month of January. A random cold at the beginning of the month turned into a bladder infection, which because of my extreme history with UTI's I thankfully caught early. It was almost a week before she seemed to recover from it. Then she seemed to get another cold and last Friday developed a serious case of diahrea, which hasn't ended. I called the doctor on the third day and according to her symptoms it is a viral, intestinal infection and we can't do anything except wait it out. They can last up to 7 days. On day 5 I took her to the doctor and of course that afternoon she seemed to be on the upswing. But then she took a turn for the worst late that night and when I called the doctor on call at midnight she told me it sounded like Cyndel had gone from one infection to another. Again nothing to do but wait it out and keep her hydrated.

As February approaches I find myself spending a lot of time thinking about school. I never knew picking a school for my child would be such an ordeal. So many factors to consider. We have a small school just around the corner from us...literally only 30 seconds away. It is only K-4 and has about 112 kids enrolled this year. But it is not french immersion. The french immersion elementary school is across the highway, is k-8 and is directly attached to the high school. I don't like the thought of putting her into such a big school with the influence of so many older kids around. But I really wanted her to be in french immersion. So there is my dilema! A smaller more personal school that is english, or a larger, bigger environment that is french. I think I have ruled homeschooling out temporarily, there is just too much going on right now to believe I could devote enough time and energy to it. I don't think I have ruled it out permantely though. At some point, when all my children are older I would like to reconsider it.
I've discovered I am not truly happy unless I have a dozen things on the go! A good friend has just gotten engaged and has asked me to make her wedding gown, and maybe even the bridal party's dresses. AND starting in April I will be taking care of twin one year old boys, 3 days a week! On top of all that Savanna is starting dance again on the weekend and the girls will be starting swimming lessons! I also find time to exercise! Or at least I am getting out and walking with a friend most nights....(okay not since Cyndel has been sick but...).
Baby is awake..gotta go!

Sunday, January 22, 2006

I've been hoodwinked!

Yesterday I received the best surprise possible. I was supposed to be going on a lunch date with Rachelle. A lunch date I was looking forward to, no kids (save Sebastian), no hubbies, just her and me and some good old fashioned girl talk. Pair it up with a country cobb salad from Montana's (my favorite) and a virgin Margerita and we're talking pure bliss! After we leave my house she mentions that she needs to stop in at the Church for a second to grab some things out of the cupboard for her Sunday School class. Sure, whatever no problem, I got all the time in the world. I head to the room in which she needed another item when I heard voices coming from inside. I think to myself that there must be an activity going on today, just my luck..I need to go in and interrupt. I try to open the door just a crack to see if I know who it is and to see if I will be interrupting anything terribly important. I see several familiar faces from the women I go to Church with. They smile at me as I open the door and I hear my Mom say something..I don't actually remember what, because my mind was racing. As embarrasing as it is here is my train of thought..
Wow, I didn't know there was an activity for our ward today...Why wasn't I told about it? Why didn't anybody invite me? Hey, even my Mom came? How come she never told me she was coming to a ward activity today? Why wasn't I invited? Holy smokes even Tanya came to the ward activity.. wait..what the heck is going on...Why is Savanna here....that is my Grandma sitting in the corner...
At that point I look up blindly into the room as everyone is smiling at me...Still not fully aware of what is going on, I glance dumbly at the blue and white decorations, and finally make the connection when I read the words:
A surprise shower...for me...and I had NO idea.... How the heck did they plan this without me knowing absolutely anything?? It was a wonderful afternoon.
Thank you to those who planned and helped out! Mostly to Rachelle, Tanya, Janalee and my Mom. If others helped out andI didn't know..then thank you as well!

Thursday, January 19, 2006

Sebastian is 6 weeks old today!!

As I sit here and type and watch my little one nurse I marvel that it has only been six short weeks since he joined our family. It feels like I have always known him and I can't imagine what my life was like before he was born. As a tribute to him I thought I would share his birth story.

It was a record short birth for me. I had prodromal labour for more then a week, but those contractions were painless, and nonprogressive. On Thursday morning I woke up and had a contraction that was distinctly different. Subconsciously I knew that was it but as I had been having contractions for so long already I didn't want to cry wolf. Plus Sanjay had just recieved 2 free tickets to the Aerosmith/Lenny Kravitz concert for that night and I really didn't want him to miss it on my account, so I kept quiet. I had contractions all morning that were neither painful nor disruptive , but they were intense and they were consistent. They also progressed in a timely fashion which was a new development for my labours. I puttered around the house most of the morning doing more unpacking and general everyday things. The girls had lunch and then were shooed downstairs to play. at 2PM I decided that this was happening for certain. The contractions were about 7 minutes apart, still not painful, but definately caught my breath when they happened. I called my Dad and told him he should come get the girls, they required more attention then I could now afford to give them. I also called Marla and told her that I was in labour. She decided to skip out of the last 45 minutes of her meeting and come to the house to drop off some birthing supplies (read..the birthing pool!). I packed over night bags for the girls and both Marla and Dad showed up at 2:45. The contractions were now about 5 minutes apart and were increasing in intensity only, I could still talk through them mostly. After observing me for awhile Marla said I was coping well and she was going to run home to change and grab the rest of her stuff (she only lives about 10 minutes away). Left in the house alone I was able to start really concentrating on the contractions. Sanjay as per usual, started nesting. Cleaning up random areas and just leaving me to my thing. At 3:30 we made a few phone calls to friends and family telling them that this was it..we were having a baby and please don't phone. We would call them later that evening after baby was born. At ten minutes to four I told Sanjay that his cleaning period was over, I needed him with me. The contractions had changed quickly and were now 2-3 minutes apart and painful. I spent the next 10 minutes leaned up against him, moaning low through each contraction talking softly to him in between. Marla arrived at some point and offered to check my progress. I declined the internal, not wanting to disrupt my mental state. ( I couldn't bear the thought of being told I was only at x number of cms with x amount to go) I didn't care to know, I knew my body was progressing and didn't need numbers to tell me that.
I had a very intense contraction at 4:03 that broke my water. I knew the birthing pool was still frozen (it had been in Marla's trunk!) but I needed to get into water. So I announced I was going up to the shower. Sanjay got the shower on and helped me get in and then went to change to get in with me. While he was gone I had a coherent thought. Our hot water tank was not big enough to support my hot shower and then fill the birthing pool. So with one foot I managed to knock the stopper off the side of the tub and wedge it in to place. Sanjay joined me and applied pressure to my low back. Marla followed him and told me she needed to check to see how far I was. She checked me, while I stood there with the shower curtain open, getting rained on and announced that I was fully dilated with only a slight anterior rim. I was still in denial that it was happening that fast and was thinking that if it was this painful now I was never going to make it to that night!! LOL Marla told me that her second attendant was 20 minutes away and was not going to make it, she had to phone 911. I agreed, whatever at that point, as long as they didn't make me leave the comfort of my shower. She ran down stairs, still on the phone, to unlock the door for whenever EMS would show up. I dropped to my knees in the shower and allowed the hot bath water to envelop me. I had my 4th contraction since my water broke and felt the baby drop, the pressure was surprising, this baby was going to come with no help from me at all. I screamed for Marla "This baby is coming NOW" and as I said it I flipped over to a seated position. Sanjay sitting on the opposite side of the tub remarked "Holy Crap...There's the head" I looked down and sure enough I could see the top of my baby's head, mounds of thick dark chicken fluff..hair like my girls had! Marla came running back to the bathroom and with the next contraction the rest of his head was birthed. (I think she turned off the shower at one point too!) I was seated with my back in the corner between the wall and the taps, my body twisted length wise down the tub. We waited for the next contraction...but nothing happened.
"Marla this isn't so comfortable get him out", "He's never coming, get him out", "Something's wrong get him out", and to each of my comments she would smile and say "He's coming, He's fine" Finally what seemed like an eternity later, but probably only about 40 seconds, Marla suggested I stand up. I remember specifically looking at her as though she were insane, and then realizing that the baby probably was stuck because my body was twisted. Sanjay was over me with his arms around my shoulders trying to haul me to my feet. I had barely gotten my feet underneath me when without a contraction at all the baby literally fell out. I sat down again instantly and Marla put him on my chest. He was limp and purple and I started rubbing his back quite vigorously and talking quietly in his ear. Marla disapeared around the corner to turn the suction on and brought the tube over to suction his mouth. It was several seconds before he made a squawk, and that was all there was, one little squawk, and he started breathing. She suctioned him again because he seemed to be straining for breath.
It was 4:16!!! I had been in the shower for just over 10 minutes.
The paramedics showed up! And stayed around long enough to make sure I didn't hemmorage, take a peak at the new baby, and wish me congratulations. I was comfortable and in my own bed by 4:30, calling family and friends with the wonderful news.
Sebastian Lee weighed in at 8lbs4oz. and was 21 inches long!
Sanjay made it to the concert after all, and I had guests to keep me company until he returned.

6 weeks old and ready to take on the world! Posted by Picasa

Monday, January 16, 2006

Our New Van

Now that I have more time I thought I would take time to fill in a few of the "Highlighted"areas of the last few months.

In my last post I mentioned the difficulty we had in trying to insure our vehicle in Edmonton. WOW was it an ordeal. We bought the van here in winnipeg after an extensive online search. What are the odds that the vehicle that fit our criteria and price range would be found in the city we had just left? We had a good friend (Derek Christianson) take it out for a test drive, and then had a mechanic we know go and peek under the hood...and other places mechanics look ;) Both gave us the thumbs up so we went ahead with the paperwork. The company even shipped it out to us free of charge. Unfortunately it sat in the compound for the better part of 2 weeks, and here is why. According to our insurance broker, in order to get insurance we needed to get an Alberta safety done on it (even though the Mb safety was less then 3weeks old), in order to get the safety we needed to get it to a mechanic who could do an out of province safety, in order to get it off the lot to the mechanic we needed insurance...... See where this is heading? I couldn't get insurance because I didn't have a safety, but I couldn't get the safety without having insurance. Well what kind of stupidity is that? Eventually we determined that my Mb safety was sufficient, I was allowed to purchase insurance, and get a 1 way trip ticket to alberta registries so that they could visually inspect the serial number and THEN we could register the vehicle and drive it legally. All of that rediculousness took 11 days to determine plus time off over the weekend due to remembrance day.
But my van was SO worth it! It had everything I wanted. Low mileage (57K), zero rust, good condition all around. It has a cd player and Air (novel to me!! LOL), but it also has heated leather seats, electronic adjustable front seats, an automatic sliding door and keyless entry. What a fabulous vehicle!

Our New Machine. We love it! Posted by Picasa

Heated leather seats..who could ask for more? Posted by Picasa

Sunday, January 15, 2006

So apparently I am really bad at updating this blog!

So another run down of the last few months of our lives. We found and bought a new van... YAY US!!! But it was torturous trying to get it insured. We are the proud owners of a 2000 Oldsmobile Silhouette, and despite the previously mentioned ordeal (more to come on that later) it is fabulous and we love having a vehicle that is reliable, comfortable, and above all...spacious.
We are no longer living in Edmonton...thats right, for those who haven't heard, we moved back to Winnipeg! HALLELUJAH It's wonderful to be home. But we didn't come back just to come back! Sanjay decided that he was going to finish school. The University of Alberta wouldn't accept him until next September and he didn't want to wait that long. The University of Manitoba would take starting the winter term, so along comes the daunting task of another cross country move..at 37 weeks pregnant..with 2 other children..and no place to live in Winnipeg!!! Holy smokes was I stressing over details!
In under a month we found a place to live, arranged a move in date, booked the truck, made travel arrangements for myself and the girls, subletted our little house, made the move, AND we accomplished this without having the baby early.
Now for the best part of the update!
We had a little boy on December 8th 2005. He weighed (officially) 8lbs12oz and was 21 inches long. But he was so little that we weighed him twice, not believing the scale. After a week I still didn't buy how big the scale showed so I took him to my doctors office and had them weigh him...8lbs 6oz. SO I believe he weighed closer to 8lbs 4oz at birth!
His name is Sebastian Lee and he is wonderful, he is completly adored by both of his older sisters!
More in depth stories and pictures to come!

(because my house is organized, my life is settled and I am acquiring more free time....I will/should be able to update more often!)

Beautiful Baby December 9th 2005 Posted by Picasa

Sebastian Lee Fisk... 1 day old Posted by Picasa