Tuesday, January 31, 2006

This won't be a long entry. The kids are getting restless and Sebastian is about to wake up! I did get a chance to post some new pictures of the kids thought! So not a total waste of day!
I have picked up my crocheting again. Yesterday I bought a few skeins of 100% new wool. I am planning on making Sebastian a few diaper covers so I can get him back into cloth diapers withough putting him in plastic pants. I'll post a picture of it when I am done!
Mister Man was up for 5 hours lastnight. From 7:30 - 12:30. He took a 20 minute cat nap at 9pm and then was ready to go. I AM EXHAUSTED! Nothing is getting done today! I plan on taking it easy and playing with the kids! TaTa for now!


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