Friday, January 27, 2006

I'm not really sure what I plan to write about today. It's barely 7 am and I have been awake for awhile now. I actually got to bed at a decent hour last night, and it would have been a fabulous sleep if my girls hadn't both woken up at 1:30. And then Sebastian was up at 2:30. And then Cyndel was up again at 5:30....but despite all that I actually feel quite rested! LOL
My poor Cyndel has been sick it seems for the whole month of January. A random cold at the beginning of the month turned into a bladder infection, which because of my extreme history with UTI's I thankfully caught early. It was almost a week before she seemed to recover from it. Then she seemed to get another cold and last Friday developed a serious case of diahrea, which hasn't ended. I called the doctor on the third day and according to her symptoms it is a viral, intestinal infection and we can't do anything except wait it out. They can last up to 7 days. On day 5 I took her to the doctor and of course that afternoon she seemed to be on the upswing. But then she took a turn for the worst late that night and when I called the doctor on call at midnight she told me it sounded like Cyndel had gone from one infection to another. Again nothing to do but wait it out and keep her hydrated.

As February approaches I find myself spending a lot of time thinking about school. I never knew picking a school for my child would be such an ordeal. So many factors to consider. We have a small school just around the corner from us...literally only 30 seconds away. It is only K-4 and has about 112 kids enrolled this year. But it is not french immersion. The french immersion elementary school is across the highway, is k-8 and is directly attached to the high school. I don't like the thought of putting her into such a big school with the influence of so many older kids around. But I really wanted her to be in french immersion. So there is my dilema! A smaller more personal school that is english, or a larger, bigger environment that is french. I think I have ruled homeschooling out temporarily, there is just too much going on right now to believe I could devote enough time and energy to it. I don't think I have ruled it out permantely though. At some point, when all my children are older I would like to reconsider it.
I've discovered I am not truly happy unless I have a dozen things on the go! A good friend has just gotten engaged and has asked me to make her wedding gown, and maybe even the bridal party's dresses. AND starting in April I will be taking care of twin one year old boys, 3 days a week! On top of all that Savanna is starting dance again on the weekend and the girls will be starting swimming lessons! I also find time to exercise! Or at least I am getting out and walking with a friend most nights....(okay not since Cyndel has been sick but...).
Baby is awake..gotta go!


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