Sunday, January 15, 2006

So apparently I am really bad at updating this blog!

So another run down of the last few months of our lives. We found and bought a new van... YAY US!!! But it was torturous trying to get it insured. We are the proud owners of a 2000 Oldsmobile Silhouette, and despite the previously mentioned ordeal (more to come on that later) it is fabulous and we love having a vehicle that is reliable, comfortable, and above all...spacious.
We are no longer living in Edmonton...thats right, for those who haven't heard, we moved back to Winnipeg! HALLELUJAH It's wonderful to be home. But we didn't come back just to come back! Sanjay decided that he was going to finish school. The University of Alberta wouldn't accept him until next September and he didn't want to wait that long. The University of Manitoba would take starting the winter term, so along comes the daunting task of another cross country 37 weeks pregnant..with 2 other children..and no place to live in Winnipeg!!! Holy smokes was I stressing over details!
In under a month we found a place to live, arranged a move in date, booked the truck, made travel arrangements for myself and the girls, subletted our little house, made the move, AND we accomplished this without having the baby early.
Now for the best part of the update!
We had a little boy on December 8th 2005. He weighed (officially) 8lbs12oz and was 21 inches long. But he was so little that we weighed him twice, not believing the scale. After a week I still didn't buy how big the scale showed so I took him to my doctors office and had them weigh him...8lbs 6oz. SO I believe he weighed closer to 8lbs 4oz at birth!
His name is Sebastian Lee and he is wonderful, he is completly adored by both of his older sisters!
More in depth stories and pictures to come!

(because my house is organized, my life is settled and I am acquiring more free time....I will/should be able to update more often!)


Blogger Sarah said...

Fisk Family,
Congratulations on the little baby BOY...I bet that having a boy is a bit different then your girls. We had a baby boy in April and are now expecting baby #2 in August. Hope Winnipeg is treating you all good!
-Sarah Gullacher
(Cheryl and Bob Condron's Sister)

5:35 p.m.  

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