Friday, April 14, 2006

Yersterday was long! The boys had a harder day, I guess they realised that Mom was gonna be gone the whole day. I did however get all 3 boys to sleep at the same time so that was nice. And Savanna, Cyndel and I cleaned the basement!
My brothers in town for Easter!! And the girls are VERY excited! Today Cyndel saw him and called him Uncle Ding Ding (David) I busted a gut! She really has become quite the chatty cathy recently! The words and sentences she has been saying astound me. On the note of Easter, I am hosting my first large family gathering. It's a little unnerving. I want it to go well but its daunting because I sometimes feel like I am still being treated like a kid. Not by anybody in specific, just sort of in general. Today I spent the better part of my afternoon cleaning so that my house is presentable. Tomorrow I will spend my day cooking and cleaning. But that is okay, I am looking forward to it.
The new website for our guild is in the process of being put together. I managed to get a registered user account on it and have been checking things out, and now it's being deleted( my user account) for (what I deem to be) high school reasons. The person deleting my account is doing it because he has told other people that they can't check out the account until its release date. And because my registered date would be earlier then everyone elses he is afraid that people will be annoyed/mad/disgruntled whatever that I got in before them. Please, this is not high school, get over it. I know I shouldn't let it but me, but it does...actually it bugs me alot and I am not entirely sure why...oh well suffice it to say I am annoyed.
I am sure that that last part made absolutely no sense to almost everyone. But tough, it's my blog and I can write whatever I want!! LOL OOH...It's time to stop, apparently I am getting feisty!


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