Wednesday, April 12, 2006

Today was the first day with the twins! They sure are cute! It was a pretty decent day, I actually felt bad for their Mom, she had a harder time at drop off then they did! I had all three boys napping at the same time for a short while....
Savanna was a bear today. She woke up miserable, had breakfast miserable, spent the morning and afternoon miserable, and then cried during her swimming lesson. We got home, had supper, and at 7:05 she called down to Sanjay and I "I'm going to bed...are you coming up to say prayers?" I knew she was tired, she fell asleep last night VERY late, and was up at 7:30 this morning. She absolutely will NOT nap anymore so I was out of options. I am hoping that tomorrow is a better day for us!
I feel kind of bad. Savanna has been mentioning for the past few days about wanting to go to Edmonton to visit her grandparents. Sanjay and I have been wracking our brains trying to figure out how we could just doesn't seem possible. The timing between his schooling (and semester breaks) and my fundraising projects and taking care of the twins three days a week just don't mesh. Plus I am not really keen on going anyways. Sebastian HATES his carseat. And is quite tempermental in the car. I have discovered that on days when he is in the carseat alot ie errand days. he insists on me holding him for the whole evening and his evening seems more irritable. The thought of travelling 15 hours with him is not a pleasant one. His sisters have both been very good travelers right from the get go! I hope he straightens out this whole car seat issue he has! LOL Well, it's late, morning comes quickly in this house and Cyndel picks up on morning earlier and earlier every day. **SIGH**


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