Wednesday, February 08, 2006

Think PINK - OMEGA pink

I am SO pumped about my newest adventure. I am captain of the team Omega Pink..the end starts here. Myself, together with 2 close friends have decided to join the "Weekend to End Breast Cancer". For those who are unfamiliar with it it is a 2 day, 60km walk through the streets of Winnipeg, June 10th and 11th 2006. All net proceeds will go to the CancerCare Manitoba Foundation to help fund research, treat victims and improve early detection of breast cancer. In order to participate I have a commitment to raise $2000.

I didn't pay much attention when my girlfriend, Tanya, first brought it up to me 2 weeks ago. But she kept talking about it, she said she felt a real passion for it and felt she really needed to do it. The more I thought about it the more I decided I needed to do it too. Finally after thinking about it half the night I got onto the website, and decided to do it. As most people know (or at least people who know my family), my Maternal Grandmother, Therese, was diagnosed with breast cancer several years ago, and ended up with a mastectomy. 4 of her 5 sisters had been diagnosed with the disease, and one of her nieces is also a survivor. The fact that it runs so prevalent through my family scares me. This is my opportunity to do something for those I love.
I hope I can count on the support of friends and family alike. I have sent an email out to many of you, an email explaining pretty much what I just said, an email asking for help. I hope you will all rise to the occasion and pledge. It is so easy to do, and I am at an impass without your help. If you did not receive an email and would like to make a donation please leave me a message here in the blog and I will contact you ASAP, it may simply be that I don't have a current email address for you. If you know of anybody else who would be willing to donate please pass the link on to them.
If you would like me to walk in honor of somebody you know who has fallen victim to this horrible disease, survivor or not; please send me a picture of them or a simple note with their name. I will carry it on my person in remembrance during the weekend walk. If I can I will try to get a tshirt and write the names you send me on the shirt!
I know this seems like shameless begging, but I feel SO passionately about this, I really want to reach my goal, walk with thousands of others in one weekend and raise money for this disease that affects 1 in 9 women.


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