Monday, April 11, 2005


Well as I am sure you have noticed I have been able to post photos again. Apparently something went screwy with my computer settings and I had to readjust them...(which makes NO sense to me because I never touched them in the first place)

As you visit you may notice some photos of Cyndel being randomly posted, along with captions having to do with "March Munchkins". Pay no mind! They are for an online playgroup I participate in with other ladies who have little ones the same age as Cyndel.

Well we have found a house in Sherwood Park. I need everyone to please pray and send as many positive buying thoughts our way as you can. I REALLY want this house! If....No, When we get the house I will post more details about it! Until then....It's all a big surprise!

Cyndel has been chatting up a storm recently and officially knows nine words. She says (in appropriate context) Mama. Dadada. Poppa and Mamma (my Dad and Mom). and Baby. She ALSO signs water, more, food, and All done. She recognizes milk and potty but has not started signing them yet. And we are currently learning the signs for please, thank you and down. I am so impressed with how well she communicates with us. She understands so much of what I tell her and even knows how to follow simple directions. Yesterday I told her to go and pick up her blanket off of the floor and bring it too me and she did! What a smartie!!

Sleep has been an issue of late! She discovered that she can get in and out of the baby bed all by herself. And now she won't stay in it when it's nap or bed time!!!! So I have had to set up a playpen to get her to fall asleep, and then I transfer her to the bed for the night! Otherwise neither girl gets any sleep at night! Cyndel is much too interested in crawling in to bed with Savanna and giggling. ( I see lots of LONG nights in my future!)

Savanna on the other hand has been good as Gold. Except that I now have my own personal preschool drama Queen. She has started saying things like "NObody likes me, NObody cares about me" "You hate me".....I mean really where does she get these things from!!!! I swear I am going to enroll her in some sort of acting company for young children!


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