Friday, April 01, 2005

Well Easter has come and gone. The girls got beautiful dresses from Sanjay's Mom...and I can't post any pictures because the hello system doesn't seem to be working on my computer anymore. **SIGH** It's times like these that I really miss my husband.

We have been home for the majority of a week and things are starting to resume to normal life. The girls are now sharing a room...and doing a marvelous job!!! Well for the most part. Cyndel has stopped sleeping through the night...again. But her crying doesn't seem to wake Savanna up at all. Thank Goodness...I wish I was faring as well.. I feel so sleep deprived. It's not like iam getting any less sleep then I used to. But now that I have had a few weeks of solid, all night sleeps, it's hard to accept a few hours here and a few hours there. Here's hoping that she starts sleeping all night again!

Other then the sleep issue...Cyndel is a joy to have around!! She has this sweet, mishievous grin. And I am always wondering what she is up to. And she plays so nicely, both by herself and with Savanna! Many times throughout the day she will stop her playing and walk over to me to give me cuddles and a big kiss...or two. These are the moments I live for! Despite her LOUD voice...her sweet disposition has returned...and she is once again that mellow little baby I knew. Except when she is told 'NO' by Mommy or Savanna, or Savanna takes something from her. Then she lies on the floor on her tummy, rolls on to her back and gently lays her head on the ground, after which she proceeds to throw what I could only describe as a tantrum. She isn't a very successful tantrum thrower!!!! But it's cute to watch.

I will desperately try to get pictures posted soon...The girls are changing my leaps and bounds!! And please feel free to make comments when ever the urge strikes you. I think this would be a great place to 'talk' with you.


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