Tuesday, February 22, 2005

Ramblings of an Emotional mind!

First...Happy Birthday Mom! Enjoy a pina colada for me on the beach!!!

Well I have survived my second day with the home daycare. Of course I have gotten off easily and have been missing 2 children both days...So tomorrow will be the real test as I will have all 7 children for the first time! Wish me Luck!!

I watched the saddest program while the kids were napping yesterday! A family ( in australia I think) were expecting the birth of twins. And when the girls were delivered they were conjoined at the head. One of them was doing okay and one was struggling. I watched as the mother nursed each girl in turn, oh how she loved them. The Drs. wanted desperately to keep them both alive, the longer they both lived the more tests they could run to see how interconnected they were, and the more detailed a plan they could get to one day seperate them.
Well it turned out that after 3 weeks, the little one that was struggling got worse, she developped high blood pressure among other things. But they found that giving her the medication to lower her blood pressure was harming the other little one.
The parents now had a decision to make. They could decide to have an emergency surgery to seperate the girls, where the chance of one surviving was slim, and the other one wouldn't survive at all. Or they could leave them and they would both surely die.
I sobbed...I could not imagine ever making that decision. But as both girls began to get worse, they finally decided to go ahead with the surgery. I watched through my own tears as this Mother held her little girls and said good bye to the one that would not survive. After 19 hours of surgery the stronger of the 2 girls emerged, in critical care, but alive. She is now 2 years old!!!
After I watched the show Savanna came downstairs and I hugged her tight, saying a silent prayer of thangsgiving. A few minutes later I scooped a sleeping Cyndel into my arms and cried!
Sorry for the sad note...It touched my heart so deeply that I just had to share.

On a happier theme Cyndel is SO close to walking...I would actually say she is walking. She walks about 70% of the time now...and it takes her so long to get from 1 destination to the other!!!If she is going for a long stretch then she crawls, but she will walk around in the room once she has crawled from one room to the next! It's very exciting and Savanna loves to stand away from her and say "Come to me Cyndel...walk to me" and she holds her arms out and Cyndel walks right into them and gives her a great hug! Wish I had a camera to show you... I'm expecting some GREAT pictures from Mexico Mom and Dad!


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