Monday, February 14, 2005

It's Valentines Day and I'm alone

So Happy Valentines day to everyone! Sanjay is still in Edmonton and will be there for quite some time. This means that not only do we have to spend today apart...but we also don't get to celebrate our 5th anniversary together. We will have been married for five years this Friday, and I am not making a trip to Edmonton until the middle of March.
Since he's been gone, my girls have discovered a much earlier bed time. At one time they used to go to bed between 8:15 and 8:45. Now they are usually in bed before 8!! Mommy needs a break by that time!! I never realised that just having Sanjay home after work in the evenings was such a help. Oh I long for the time when we can be together again!
Well today we are going to Mamma and Poppa's house for a Valentines party. (That would be my Mom and Dad for those who don't know) It will be interesting to see them high and candy and still in bed by 8....hmmmm....well I guess we'll see!
We have been patiently waiting for Tanya to have her baby. She has been threatening for the last week...but no show for this little one. We'll keep you posted on that one!
New Pictures coming soon! Please feel free to comment whenever the need arises.


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