Tuesday, March 01, 2005

Wow...I'm almost done!

With only three days left doing home daycare I am looking forward to the end. It's not that the kids are bad or anything like that. Infact I probably couldn't have a better set of kids!!

Cyndel has not been sleeping well these last few nights...okay like the last weeks worth of nights save one. (Saturday she slept blissfully from 7:30 to 7:30!!!) So I am up with kids from 7am til 5pm. and then awake a lot of the night with Cyndel. So needless to say I haven't been getting much sleep. I am pretty sure that she is teething though, she has had a highfever on and off for the last couple of days (classic symptoms with my girls!), and she has had her fingers in her mouth and chomping down pretty good too. I hope they come in soon!
On Thursday Tanya gave birth to a baby girl. Emma Faith was born at 2:16 am, 11lbs 7 oz!!!
I haven't seen them yet and I am really looking forward to it!

Well goodnight!


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