Friday, March 25, 2005

Not a lot to report!! We have had a good vacation, except the weather has been awful. Apparently they received more snow since I have been here then they have the whole rest of the winter. *sigh* And I was SO looking forward to some warmer weather!!
Savanna developped a fever, yesterday late afternoon, and hasn't done a whole lot since. She also hasn't eaten anything which means she is going to lose weight...again. Unfortunately she can't afford to lose any more weight.....please remember her in your prayers...Thanks!
Cyndel has decided that now that she is one, she is no longer a baby, but a full blown toddler! She walks absolutely everywhere, talks to us in "sentences"!!! and squawks when no one is paying attention to her. She has become an antagonist towards her big sister, and loves to follow her wherever she goes. I see sparks in the near future!! My once calm, mellow baby has dissapeared, and been replaced by a wild monkey! Oh What fun I am having!!! She has recently learned how to give kisses and will bestow them upon anyone who requests one!..or two!..or three!..


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