Wednesday, April 20, 2005

Selling houses SUCK

What a royal pain in the .....fill in your own word! My house is no where near ready to sell, but we want it on the market for the 1st of May. Sanjay and his parents are coming in this weekend to do the roof, and the bathroom insurance work will be completed withing a week. That only leaves me to finish the painting of the living room and kitchen (including stripping wallpaper first), cleaning, organizing and packing up the basement, washing the carpets and a general cleanup ofthe house in less then 2 weeks.!!! Not to mention all the other things I have to do on a regular know like caring for the girls, fulfilling duties at Church (which I regrettably have been sadly lacking in), and every day chores like vaccuming and dishes and laundry. I am feeling only SLIGHTLY over whelmed.

Okay now that I have vented a little I feel better!

The girls are coping magnificently with all the change that has been going on. Except that Cyndel is a comfort nurser and so has upped her nursings to like 6 times a day again. I am slowly trying to cut back but she seems to want no part of it. She has had a molar coming through for a good long while now and it has been giving her lots of grief, I feel so bad for my normally mild tempered little girl, she has been uncommonly irritable, and lots of crying.
Savanna has learned how to ride her tricycle!!! and is quite pleased with herself!!! She has not forgotten that I told her in January that it was too cold and too snowy, to go to the zoo. She reminded me the other day that there was no more snow on the ground and so we could go to the zoo.
I must remember what I say to her....she is much quicker then I keep realizing!
Well, gotta go and try and be productive!


Monday, April 11, 2005


Well as I am sure you have noticed I have been able to post photos again. Apparently something went screwy with my computer settings and I had to readjust them...(which makes NO sense to me because I never touched them in the first place)

As you visit you may notice some photos of Cyndel being randomly posted, along with captions having to do with "March Munchkins". Pay no mind! They are for an online playgroup I participate in with other ladies who have little ones the same age as Cyndel.

Well we have found a house in Sherwood Park. I need everyone to please pray and send as many positive buying thoughts our way as you can. I REALLY want this house! If....No, When we get the house I will post more details about it! Until then....It's all a big surprise!

Cyndel has been chatting up a storm recently and officially knows nine words. She says (in appropriate context) Mama. Dadada. Poppa and Mamma (my Dad and Mom). and Baby. She ALSO signs water, more, food, and All done. She recognizes milk and potty but has not started signing them yet. And we are currently learning the signs for please, thank you and down. I am so impressed with how well she communicates with us. She understands so much of what I tell her and even knows how to follow simple directions. Yesterday I told her to go and pick up her blanket off of the floor and bring it too me and she did! What a smartie!!

Sleep has been an issue of late! She discovered that she can get in and out of the baby bed all by herself. And now she won't stay in it when it's nap or bed time!!!! So I have had to set up a playpen to get her to fall asleep, and then I transfer her to the bed for the night! Otherwise neither girl gets any sleep at night! Cyndel is much too interested in crawling in to bed with Savanna and giggling. ( I see lots of LONG nights in my future!)

Savanna on the other hand has been good as Gold. Except that I now have my own personal preschool drama Queen. She has started saying things like "NObody likes me, NObody cares about me" "You hate me".....I mean really where does she get these things from!!!! I swear I am going to enroll her in some sort of acting company for young children!

Beautiful Duet by Daddy and Cyndel! Posted by Hello

Thursday, April 07, 2005

Okay Munchkin Moms...This is my favorite pic of Cyndel recently! Posted by Hello

This is the "Easter" outfit I chose (Mom bought Cyndels for her birthday and I loved it so much I went and bought a matching one for Savanna)!Posted by Hello

Friday, April 01, 2005

Well Easter has come and gone. The girls got beautiful dresses from Sanjay's Mom...and I can't post any pictures because the hello system doesn't seem to be working on my computer anymore. **SIGH** It's times like these that I really miss my husband.

We have been home for the majority of a week and things are starting to resume to normal life. The girls are now sharing a room...and doing a marvelous job!!! Well for the most part. Cyndel has stopped sleeping through the night...again. But her crying doesn't seem to wake Savanna up at all. Thank Goodness...I wish I was faring as well.. I feel so sleep deprived. It's not like iam getting any less sleep then I used to. But now that I have had a few weeks of solid, all night sleeps, it's hard to accept a few hours here and a few hours there. Here's hoping that she starts sleeping all night again!

Other then the sleep issue...Cyndel is a joy to have around!! She has this sweet, mishievous grin. And I am always wondering what she is up to. And she plays so nicely, both by herself and with Savanna! Many times throughout the day she will stop her playing and walk over to me to give me cuddles and a big kiss...or two. These are the moments I live for! Despite her LOUD voice...her sweet disposition has returned...and she is once again that mellow little baby I knew. Except when she is told 'NO' by Mommy or Savanna, or Savanna takes something from her. Then she lies on the floor on her tummy, rolls on to her back and gently lays her head on the ground, after which she proceeds to throw what I could only describe as a tantrum. She isn't a very successful tantrum thrower!!!! But it's cute to watch.

I will desperately try to get pictures posted soon...The girls are changing my leaps and bounds!! And please feel free to make comments when ever the urge strikes you. I think this would be a great place to 'talk' with you.