Friday, March 25, 2005

Not a lot to report!! We have had a good vacation, except the weather has been awful. Apparently they received more snow since I have been here then they have the whole rest of the winter. *sigh* And I was SO looking forward to some warmer weather!!
Savanna developped a fever, yesterday late afternoon, and hasn't done a whole lot since. She also hasn't eaten anything which means she is going to lose weight...again. Unfortunately she can't afford to lose any more weight.....please remember her in your prayers...Thanks!
Cyndel has decided that now that she is one, she is no longer a baby, but a full blown toddler! She walks absolutely everywhere, talks to us in "sentences"!!! and squawks when no one is paying attention to her. She has become an antagonist towards her big sister, and loves to follow her wherever she goes. I see sparks in the near future!! My once calm, mellow baby has dissapeared, and been replaced by a wild monkey! Oh What fun I am having!!! She has recently learned how to give kisses and will bestow them upon anyone who requests one!..or two!..or three!..

Wednesday, March 16, 2005

The past 2 weeks!!!!

Okay it has been 2 weeks since I have updated this. That is horrible and I am sorry. But life has been SO busy. Now that it is settling down I hope to be able to update more frequently.

So here is what has been happening since I last updated the site. I finished the 2 week home daycare stint, and boy did it end in a bang!!! Savanna, Cyndel, and I ALL ended up sick. Even now I am not completly right, the cough is lingering very long. My parents came home on that Saturday and we picked them up at the airport!!
After that I had a week at home, to clean and pack (again), because we were planning a trip to Edmonton (we, being a girlfriend and her 2 boys, me and my 2 girls). I also had to do some reorganizing in the house because a young woman was going to move in and live with us. Welcome Cassie!!! Gratefully she agreed to move in almost immediately, which meant that I didn't have to take our dog Belle on the 14 hour drive to Edmonton.
We left for Edmonton on Monday morning at 430 in the morning. We arrived in Edmonton at 6 in the evening of the same day. I have to say the girls travelled remarkably well. We only stopped three times, and we averaged 30 minutes for each stop. Savanna was amazing at entertaining herself...she is quite the traveller!!! Cyndel bless her heart slept most of the least I think she did! At any rate I never heard from her!!
The girls were SO EXCITED to see Daddy. They both ran at him when we got here, showering him with kisses and hugs. Since Monday Cyndel won't leave him alone. When he walks through the door after work she gets into his arms, wraps her arms around his neck, pats his back and lays her head on his shoulder...and heaven help anyone who gets in her way!!!!! It will be very hard to leave, when it's time to go home.

..........LATE BREAKING NEWS...............
We have officially made the decision to move to Edmonton. It won't happen for a few months, but it will happen. Savanna is going to finish out the ballet year with her class, I am going to get the house ready to be sold, and when both of those things have happened we will be going. So at earliest it will be mid June....But more likely then not the mid to end of the summer. As sad as it will be for me to leave my family and friends I am actually excited and looking forward to the move.

My munchkin is 1. We had a birthday party for her today. In attendance were some new friends in Edmonton, Shanna and Ryan and their 2 little girls, Sadie and Ella (whom are close in age to Savanna and Cyndel), Sanjay's cousin Kurri and her husband Tad and their 3 boys, and the ENTIRE achievement day class...consisting of about a dozen 9 year old girls!!! It was loud, but Cyndel had a great time.
Happy Birthday my sweet baby. May all of your dreams come true except that you will always have something to strive for! I love you!

Hopefully soon I will be able to post pictures again!! I have some cute ones ofthe girls that I am itching to share!!!


Tuesday, March 01, 2005

Wow...I'm almost done!

With only three days left doing home daycare I am looking forward to the end. It's not that the kids are bad or anything like that. Infact I probably couldn't have a better set of kids!!

Cyndel has not been sleeping well these last few nights...okay like the last weeks worth of nights save one. (Saturday she slept blissfully from 7:30 to 7:30!!!) So I am up with kids from 7am til 5pm. and then awake a lot of the night with Cyndel. So needless to say I haven't been getting much sleep. I am pretty sure that she is teething though, she has had a highfever on and off for the last couple of days (classic symptoms with my girls!), and she has had her fingers in her mouth and chomping down pretty good too. I hope they come in soon!
On Thursday Tanya gave birth to a baby girl. Emma Faith was born at 2:16 am, 11lbs 7 oz!!!
I haven't seen them yet and I am really looking forward to it!

Well goodnight!