Thursday, July 13, 2006

I have a great respect for REAL bloggers!

I cannot keep on top of this thing!
ANOTHER rundown of my life over the last couple of months.
I made my fundraising goal and did the 60km Weekend to End Breast Cancer Walk. It was amazing, it was a fabulous journey, I met fabulous people, and after all the headache, heartache and feetaches...I signed up again to do it next year! LOL
Mom got really sick at the beginning of June, insomuch that she was hospitalized for 2 weeks. It turned out to be an infection in her leg, which spread to her bone. She is still suffering the repercussions from one doctors inattentiveness, and is using a walker to get around until she regains the full use of her leg through medication and physiotherapy. This is a whole weeks worth of stories all in itself. Suffice it to say it was a stressful situation for EVERYONE involved, and more then a little scary. We are happy to have her home, but no more happy I am sure then she is to be home.
Sanjay is still in school, having gone to school without break now since January. And he is doing VERY WELL I might add! He gets 3 weeks off in August and then he is back at it for another year! There is a light at the end of this tunnel though and it is getting brighter!
Savanna is my big girl, starting kindergarten in September *sniff sniff* She seems to be mellowing out a bit, and not taking as many things in life so personally. I love the fact that I can have meaningful conversations with her, and discuss things of importance (all relative mind you!) She is a big helper to her younger siblings!
Cyndel is my little Mommy, she is quite maternal towards her little brother, her dolls and basically anybody she finds smaller then her. Her language seems to have exploded over the last 2 months, and I am amazed everyday with the things she comes out and says. She is my "Me too" kid. Everything Savanna does/has she has to do/have. I forsee problems in a few years! But mostly she is very easy going, she loves to make people laugh!
Sebastian is becoming quite the little boy! At 7 months old he sits, crawls, pulls himself to a sit and pulls himself up to a stand. Yesterday he crawled up his first step. I guess he figures with 2 older sisters to catch he better get a move on! I can only assume he will be walking by 11 months like his sisters (or before if he keeps up at this rate!). He is a huge flirt usually, but lately has started making strange. Even with people he sees all the time. So right now he is a Mama's boy and will flirt with you from a distance...but don't get to close!
I am keeping busy as always, I treated myself to a new sewing machine with some Money I made from a sewing job. It is a high end Singer and has embroidery capabilities. I am hoping to start earning some money doing sewimg for other people. So if anybody knows anybody with sewing needs....Send'em my way!