Tuesday, April 25, 2006

The Social was a SUCCESS!

or at least, I think it was! I was hoping to bring in around $2000, and we made $1600. Which, considering we only were able to generate 68 bodies, is pretty darn good! I am sufficently pleased with our results. I just wish other members of my team were.
The social itself was kinda fun. It took us a long time to set up the prizes, but once that was done there really wasn't anything left to do except mingle. Sebastian had a really good night with Daddy too. He slept until 10:30 and then Sanjay brought him to me to nurse him.
Q) How do you get a big, black, burly bouncer to turn into a great big puddle of goo???
A) Pass him a charming 4 month old baby.

I walked into the bar carrying my son and the bouncers all looked at me and smiled, one of them tickled his foot and asked to see his id. But the biggest of the security guards told me he needed to check him out, and proceeded to pluck him right out of my arms. He bounced him and cradle him and spoke softly to him. Sebastian was quite content with the security guard and relaxed in his arms to check out the joint. I have a picture that I will upload off of my camera as soon as I can.
**SIGH** Why do some brides go looney when they are planning a wedding? I am sewing the wedding party outfits for a wedding this coming weekend. My part is quite simple, the wedding gown is done, and the maid of honors dress is done. The other four bridesmaids are wearing long crepe skirts. I have three of them done, save the waistband and hem, because I want them to try it on a final time to ensure proper fit and length. The fourth one is a maternity skirt so it should prove to be interesting. The looney part? THe bride NOW wants me to add a sheer overlay to the skirts. An overlay that is a completly different pattern then what the skirts currently are, because she wants these inserts at the bottom of the skirt (called godets). There are 8 godets in total around the bottom of the skirt and along the seams of these godets (think triangular pieces of fabric inserted into the bottom of the skirt to make it fuller) she wants to add a teal colored ribbon..up and down each godet.
I DON' HAVE TIME FOR THIS... Plus I think it takes away from the simplicity of the whole outfit. If they were wearing a matching top I would say, sure try it. But the tops she has chosen are long, tunic style, short sleeved t shirts..it hardly complements a crepe covered chiffon skirt. WHATEVER, I am just the seamstress right?
Well I am off to sew, and fold some laundry maybe!!

Wednesday, April 19, 2006

I NEED to start going to bed earlier

I can't seem to get to bed before midnight and it's hurting! Sebastian wakes up to nurse between 1 and 2 am. And then again around 5:30. Cyndel is up between 6:30 and 7. So I just get Sebastian back to bed and half an hour later Cyndel is scrathcing at my door! Somedays I am justso tired I can't even function properly. I am really going to try to get to bed even by 11 and see if that helps. The twins are here today. The morning actually went off without a hitch, no crying at drop off. And we had a quiet morning playing with toys and then an early lunch and bed. I even managed to get the boys, Cyndel and Sebastian all down for a nap at the same time! Yay me!!
The social is a few days away, I am anxiously anticipating it, and grateful that it is almost over! I hope it does well and we are able to reach (or come close to) our fundraising goal.
We had Sebastians 4 month appointment on Monday. He is growing like a weed, which is surprising, considering how much he throws up after each nursing session. So here is the rundown: He weighs 15lbs 3 0z and is 26.5 inches tall! I can't believe how tall he is! he has grown 5 and a half inches in 4 months! So um...yeah he is a bit of a string bean! He is sitting with support, and can sit on his own just a little bit. He reaches and plays with toys alot and is fascinated with his sisters, he loves to watch them play. He rolls from tummy to back, and would probably roll from back to tummy if ever given the chance. Unfortunately his play time on the floor is limited to quiet evening times when his sisters are in bed. He is a mover and a shaker though! I put him to bed on his tummy facing in one direction and I find him when he wakes up completly in a different direction, on the other side of the bed! LOL His reflux was a concern to me, if only because it was causing excessive amounts of laundry, not just because he was spitting up on himself, but because he would destroy the shirt of any unsuspecting soul foolish enough to pick him up without wearing a protective cloth (which by the way he missed more then hit). The doctor however was less concerned with my laundry issues and more concerned with the fact that on occasion Sebastians reflux had flecks of green phlegm, and was laced with bile. He gave us a prescription for (essentially) baby Zantac. But other then that all is good.
I am off to sew now!! 2 more skirts to make for this wedding party I am doing and then I get to sew some things for Savanna, she is desperate to wear dresses and skirts, but alas, we have few that fit her.

Tuesday, April 18, 2006

Mild Panic attack

Easter was fun! Sanjay and I filled plastic eggs with a few treats and hid them around the house. We left the girls easterbaskets on their dresser and they carried them around the house putting the found eggs inside! They had a blast, and were also very excited about the easter gifts....BIKE HELMETS. Savanna wanted desperately to go bike riding yesterday so Sanjay promised her after he was done studying that he would take her.
"Me too, Me too" came the voice of little sister! So he took both girls to the school just a few houses over and let them ride around a bit. But it was avery short trip as he had an exam to write. Hopefully today he can take them for a little longer ride!
Our social is this coming weekend and now I am stressed! I was counting on walk up bargoers to fill our quota, and I just found out that on an average Saturday night they get about 30 or 40 walk ups....That is NOT going to help us at all. So now I am stressed and trying to get people to go. None of my extended family has bought tickets yet, alot of them have said they would be coming, but so far no go. It's a win/win situation for us however, as we only pay for the tickets we sell.....but AHHHHHHH we need to sell the tickets! Okay, stressing done, now it's time to be productive.

Friday, April 14, 2006

Yersterday was long! The boys had a harder day, I guess they realised that Mom was gonna be gone the whole day. I did however get all 3 boys to sleep at the same time so that was nice. And Savanna, Cyndel and I cleaned the basement!
My brothers in town for Easter!! And the girls are VERY excited! Today Cyndel saw him and called him Uncle Ding Ding (David) I busted a gut! She really has become quite the chatty cathy recently! The words and sentences she has been saying astound me. On the note of Easter, I am hosting my first large family gathering. It's a little unnerving. I want it to go well but its daunting because I sometimes feel like I am still being treated like a kid. Not by anybody in specific, just sort of in general. Today I spent the better part of my afternoon cleaning so that my house is presentable. Tomorrow I will spend my day cooking and cleaning. But that is okay, I am looking forward to it.
The new website for our guild is in the process of being put together. I managed to get a registered user account on it and have been checking things out, and now it's being deleted( my user account) for (what I deem to be) high school reasons. The person deleting my account is doing it because he has told other people that they can't check out the account until its release date. And because my registered date would be earlier then everyone elses he is afraid that people will be annoyed/mad/disgruntled whatever that I got in before them. Please, this is not high school, get over it. I know I shouldn't let it but me, but it does...actually it bugs me alot and I am not entirely sure why...oh well suffice it to say I am annoyed.
I am sure that that last part made absolutely no sense to almost everyone. But tough, it's my blog and I can write whatever I want!! LOL OOH...It's time to stop, apparently I am getting feisty!

Wednesday, April 12, 2006

Today was the first day with the twins! They sure are cute! It was a pretty decent day, I actually felt bad for their Mom, she had a harder time at drop off then they did! I had all three boys napping at the same time for a short while....
Savanna was a bear today. She woke up miserable, had breakfast miserable, spent the morning and afternoon miserable, and then cried during her swimming lesson. We got home, had supper, and at 7:05 she called down to Sanjay and I "I'm going to bed...are you coming up to say prayers?" I knew she was tired, she fell asleep last night VERY late, and was up at 7:30 this morning. She absolutely will NOT nap anymore so I was out of options. I am hoping that tomorrow is a better day for us!
I feel kind of bad. Savanna has been mentioning for the past few days about wanting to go to Edmonton to visit her grandparents. Sanjay and I have been wracking our brains trying to figure out how we could go...it just doesn't seem possible. The timing between his schooling (and semester breaks) and my fundraising projects and taking care of the twins three days a week just don't mesh. Plus I am not really keen on going anyways. Sebastian HATES his carseat. And is quite tempermental in the car. I have discovered that on days when he is in the carseat alot ie errand days. he insists on me holding him for the whole evening and his evening seems more irritable. The thought of travelling 15 hours with him is not a pleasant one. His sisters have both been very good travelers right from the get go! I hope he straightens out this whole car seat issue he has! LOL Well, it's late, morning comes quickly in this house and Cyndel picks up on morning earlier and earlier every day. **SIGH**

Tuesday, April 11, 2006

1st day of a new routine!

It's 730 and I thought I would try and do this before the kids woke up! Fat chance. Cyndel is standing beside me fully dressed, trying to get on my knee. And Sebastian is squawking in his bed. It's an early day today, Sanjay has to write his first exam at 9am, I need to drop him off and go across town to buy the bunny (Thumper) food and get his nails clipped. Then Ineed to go to my AUnts house and collect a donation from her for the breast cancer walk. Then it's back to the University to pick Sanjay up and home for lunch, a nap(Cyndel) and an afternoon of sewing for me. Apparently that is all I have time for today! Children screaming for breakfast, and some morning chores to do before I go! AH The life of a Mom!

Monday, April 10, 2006

Does life ever settle down?

It's late so I won't update much. But I am going to try something new this week and see how it works. I am always up in the morning after Sebastian goes back to bed and before the girls wake up. Usually I try to go back to sleep, but I am finding that I just get grumpy when the girls wake me up. I am going to try and update every morning and see if that helps me stay on top of this phenomenon that is blogging!

Who needs Canadian Baby?

The Canadian Baby Photographers take these pictures and then charge exhorbant amounts. We are talking upwards of $250. I decided to set the stage and take them at home without the crazy fees. I did a pretty good job if I do say so myself!
He has such personality already!

Sebastian was 3 and a half months old when these were taken. Posted by Picasa